Friday, September 27, 2013

Why the Chinese vote Green Tea!

Longevity: a lively or energetic quality; the power or ability of something to continue to live, be successful, etc.

Many, MANY moons ago, Chinese physicians used to recommend green tea to promote vitality and longevity. And duh they were right, this hot or iced beverage is chockfull of  health benefits. Their antioxidants fight free radicals-substances that can either alter or even kill cells in your body that cause premature aging (yikes), other diseases, or even cancer (double yikes!). There is scientific evidence that supports that green tea can protect your skin, lower your cholesterol, improve bone health, boost oral health, help prevent against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, fight cancer, protect against diabetes, prevent heart attacks, boosts your energy and so much more! 

Like anything, drinking this regularly is when you will find it its true benefits. And if I might add, I think we can agree that people who drink green tea generally make better health decisions for themselves. What is stopping you from joining in? 

Onward to your journey to vitality!

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