Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday's are for Magnesium! (Detox Baths)

After a weekend of drinking, what better way to jump start the rest of your week than with a detox bath?

If you've ever taken an Epsom salt bath, you know how wonderful you feel afterwards. Epsom salts are a magnesium sulfate compound that help relieve stress, soothe muscles and keep enzyme activity in your body regular. More than half of Americans have a magnesium deficiency, and taking a 20 minute bath is definitely my favorite way to get my magnesium intake! 

According to the National Academy of Sciences, American’s magnesium deficiency helps to account for high rates of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies, stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a number of other ailments. Mind=blown.

To turn this bath into a detoxifying one, you will also need baking soda and essential oil (my favorite is lavender). The baking soda aids in the detoxifying process, and without it this bath is just an Epsom salt bath. The essential oil has a range of great benefits, but for this recipe I will be referring to lavender essential oil. 

Lavender essential oil has many healing properties. In fact, I have cut my legs while shaving in this bath without even realizing it because the lavender takes away the pain. Crazy, right? I can't speak for all Lavender essential oils, but I am a therapeutic grade essential oil distributor using only the purest kind- pure enough you can even consume it orally. Lavender oil is a universal oil that has traditionally been known to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. Some of its properties include antidepressant  anti fungal  antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, regenerative and sedative. Due to its sedative properties this bath is extra great to take before bed with a hot cup of chamomile tea. :) 

*Note I am using the Now brand of essential oil in this picture, this is a less expensive way to enjoy your bath with the same results!


  • 2 cups Epsom Salts
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 5-10 drops Essential oil
You must sit for no less than 20 minutes. While I'm ridding my body of toxins, I enjoy clearing my head with meditation. :)

In order for this bath to work its full capabilities, this bath will have to be decently hot. Hot enough to make you sweat so all those toxins can leave your body! 


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