Friday, September 27, 2013

I'm Nuts for Chia Seeds!

Chia- yes as in chia pet- seeds are these tiny seeds that make a big difference in your diet. I recommend at least a tablespoon a day EVERYDAY. You won't get the full benefits of them if you only use them occasionally, but if you're okay with that then by all means.

Chia contains seven times more vitamin C than oranges, five times more calcium than milk, three times more iron than spinach, eight times more Omega-3 than salmon and twice the potassium that a banana has! Why everyone doesn't stuff their mouths with this stuff I'm not certain. What I am certain of however is how great you feel when you take them! 

I am hypoglycemic, which basically means my blood has an abnormally low or complete lack there of glucose. In order to keep my symptoms controlled I tend to eat more carbohydrates so that my body can constantly be processing the sugar into my blood stream. If there is a phrase I say more than any other, it'd be "My blood sugar dropped."

Chia seeds not only normalize blood sugar level, they also boost your energy and stamina. When my blood sugar level drops, I get shaky and feel like it's a good idea to sit. When I am on a regular routine of chia seeds this happens less frequently.

When you eat chia seeds, whether you add them to a smoothie, baked goods, yogurt, salads, or even raw, these little seeds produce a gel coating. The best way I can describe them is tomato seeds and how tomato seeds have a small membrane around them, same idea. In fact if you add some to a glass off water, within a minute or two that water will be a gel. That gel is responsible for cleaning you out. It takes the work off your organs and just disposes all of it! No more digestion problems! Chia seeds are also high in fiber and clean your colon. If you have pooping problems, you don't anymore. 

If you're still not won over by these super seeds, here are other factors chia helps with:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Weight loss
  • Arthritis
  • Eliminates toxins
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Promotes a good night's sleep
  • Prevents cancer
  • Hyperactivity disorder
  • Joint pain
  • Healthy skin, hair and nails!

Hope everyone gives chia a try!

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