Monday, September 30, 2013

Back to Basics: Essential Oils

This past year, I became a therapeutic grade essential oil distributor. The oils that I was already familiar with were Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil), Lavender and Oregano. Outside of those I was clueless. Oils are fantastic because they are mankind's first medicine. Today they are still treated and used for many forms of medicine. I literally self medicate through tiny drops of oil that work magic. I wish more people knew about them and used them- so here is a small, concentrated post to give you the basics of how these natural little medicines work.

From Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, we know that priests and physicians have been using essential oils for thousands of years. There are 188 references to essential oils in the Bible. These oils were used for anointing and healing the sick.  

Essential oils embody the regenerating, oxygenation, and immune-strengthening properties of plants. As the name suggests, oils are molecular in size and can quickly penetrate the skin. Essential oils can affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes and then be metabolized like other nutrients. 

There are 3 main ways to use essential oils:

  • Direct application. The feet are the second fastest area of the body to absorb oils because of the large pores. When applying to larger area's be sure to dilute with a pure, 100% vegetable oil or glycerin.  It can be quite painful to put oil on your skin and is difficult to get off once its on.
  • Inhalation. Got a headache? Try inhaling some peppermint oil! its NATURAL and EFFECTIVE. You can purchase a diffuser to diffuse oils into the air, Another great way to get the oil into the air is put 1 drop into your humidifier  Put a few drops into a cotton ball and tape it to your fan. Inhaling these are capable of everything from disinfecting the air to help create a greater spiritual, physical, and emotional harmony. 
  • Digestion. Yup- put a drop of lavender oil with your Olive oil and rosemary to your salmon  Dont feel well? Have some peppermint tea with the oil. I checked my Zen green tea purchased at Starbucks, one of the ingredients: lemon oil! Although most essential oils are NOT therapeutic grade and should not be ingested, the ones that are can be very effective inside the body.

Essential oils are wonderful things that I wish more people would take advantage of.
Hope this helps!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Why the Chinese vote Green Tea!

Longevity: a lively or energetic quality; the power or ability of something to continue to live, be successful, etc.

Many, MANY moons ago, Chinese physicians used to recommend green tea to promote vitality and longevity. And duh they were right, this hot or iced beverage is chockfull of  health benefits. Their antioxidants fight free radicals-substances that can either alter or even kill cells in your body that cause premature aging (yikes), other diseases, or even cancer (double yikes!). There is scientific evidence that supports that green tea can protect your skin, lower your cholesterol, improve bone health, boost oral health, help prevent against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, fight cancer, protect against diabetes, prevent heart attacks, boosts your energy and so much more! 

Like anything, drinking this regularly is when you will find it its true benefits. And if I might add, I think we can agree that people who drink green tea generally make better health decisions for themselves. What is stopping you from joining in? 

Onward to your journey to vitality!

I'm Nuts for Chia Seeds!

Chia- yes as in chia pet- seeds are these tiny seeds that make a big difference in your diet. I recommend at least a tablespoon a day EVERYDAY. You won't get the full benefits of them if you only use them occasionally, but if you're okay with that then by all means.

Chia contains seven times more vitamin C than oranges, five times more calcium than milk, three times more iron than spinach, eight times more Omega-3 than salmon and twice the potassium that a banana has! Why everyone doesn't stuff their mouths with this stuff I'm not certain. What I am certain of however is how great you feel when you take them! 

I am hypoglycemic, which basically means my blood has an abnormally low or complete lack there of glucose. In order to keep my symptoms controlled I tend to eat more carbohydrates so that my body can constantly be processing the sugar into my blood stream. If there is a phrase I say more than any other, it'd be "My blood sugar dropped."

Chia seeds not only normalize blood sugar level, they also boost your energy and stamina. When my blood sugar level drops, I get shaky and feel like it's a good idea to sit. When I am on a regular routine of chia seeds this happens less frequently.

When you eat chia seeds, whether you add them to a smoothie, baked goods, yogurt, salads, or even raw, these little seeds produce a gel coating. The best way I can describe them is tomato seeds and how tomato seeds have a small membrane around them, same idea. In fact if you add some to a glass off water, within a minute or two that water will be a gel. That gel is responsible for cleaning you out. It takes the work off your organs and just disposes all of it! No more digestion problems! Chia seeds are also high in fiber and clean your colon. If you have pooping problems, you don't anymore. 

If you're still not won over by these super seeds, here are other factors chia helps with:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Weight loss
  • Arthritis
  • Eliminates toxins
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Promotes a good night's sleep
  • Prevents cancer
  • Hyperactivity disorder
  • Joint pain
  • Healthy skin, hair and nails!

Hope everyone gives chia a try!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday's are for Magnesium! (Detox Baths)

After a weekend of drinking, what better way to jump start the rest of your week than with a detox bath?

If you've ever taken an Epsom salt bath, you know how wonderful you feel afterwards. Epsom salts are a magnesium sulfate compound that help relieve stress, soothe muscles and keep enzyme activity in your body regular. More than half of Americans have a magnesium deficiency, and taking a 20 minute bath is definitely my favorite way to get my magnesium intake! 

According to the National Academy of Sciences, American’s magnesium deficiency helps to account for high rates of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies, stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a number of other ailments. Mind=blown.

To turn this bath into a detoxifying one, you will also need baking soda and essential oil (my favorite is lavender). The baking soda aids in the detoxifying process, and without it this bath is just an Epsom salt bath. The essential oil has a range of great benefits, but for this recipe I will be referring to lavender essential oil. 

Lavender essential oil has many healing properties. In fact, I have cut my legs while shaving in this bath without even realizing it because the lavender takes away the pain. Crazy, right? I can't speak for all Lavender essential oils, but I am a therapeutic grade essential oil distributor using only the purest kind- pure enough you can even consume it orally. Lavender oil is a universal oil that has traditionally been known to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. Some of its properties include antidepressant  anti fungal  antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, regenerative and sedative. Due to its sedative properties this bath is extra great to take before bed with a hot cup of chamomile tea. :) 

*Note I am using the Now brand of essential oil in this picture, this is a less expensive way to enjoy your bath with the same results!


  • 2 cups Epsom Salts
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 5-10 drops Essential oil
You must sit for no less than 20 minutes. While I'm ridding my body of toxins, I enjoy clearing my head with meditation. :)

In order for this bath to work its full capabilities, this bath will have to be decently hot. Hot enough to make you sweat so all those toxins can leave your body! 


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Vitamin C Serum!

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and prevents free radical damages. It works wonders for the skin, and helps with anti-aging.

Over the counter vitamin C serums are expensive because they need stabilizers. Vitamin C oxidizes very quickly. When it oxidizes, it becomes a free radical. I vote just make the serum yourself. Cheaper, natural and in my opinion, works far better.

What you'll need:

  • A dark glass bottle and dropper
  • Distilled water (I got a jug from the grocery store for $1.19)
  • 100% Pure vegetable glycerin
  • L Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C powder! Do not use vitamin C tablets, it must be pure vitamin c!)
  • A glass bowl for mixing
  • Measuring spoons

In my mixing bowl I add the Vitamin C powder and distilled water and mix together until the powder is fully dissolved. This is very important!
Once the L Ascorbic Acid is fully dissolved, you may add the vegetable glycerin. This sets the serum and you have just concocted vitamin c serum, hooray! It is good for one week. You wont have a whole lot in your bottle, so you'll need to make more by then anyways! 

If for whatever reason your vitamin c serum changes color or solidifies, DO NOT USE IT. THIS IS DANGEROUS.

Depending on whether or not your skin is used to vitamin c or not, there are a few options for you to choose from. I use 20% and am convinced I will never age. For those just starting, consider starting slow. I still feel a tingling sensation every time I put it on. 


5% serum: 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin C powder, 4 tsp distilled water, 3/4 tsp glycerin.

10% serum: 1/4 tsp vitamin C powder, 2 tsp distilled water, 1/4 tsp glycerin.

15% serum: 3/8 tsp vitamin C powder, 2 tsp distilled water, 1/8 tsp glycerin.

20% serum: 1/4 tsp vitamin C powder, 3/4 tsp distilled water, 1/4 tsp glycerin.

Remember, Vitamin C is EXTREMELY sensitive to light, which means if you decide to use it in the morning or during the day, where a high SPF. This should also be stored in a cool, dark place. Sunlight will make it oxidize quicker.

Another product to end my little entry I'd like to point out is St. Ives "Timeless Skin" collagen elastin moisturizer. I got it from Walgreens for $4.99 and this product I put on all over my body after showers to also help my skin continue to produce lots of collagen. :)

Hope this helped you out, enjoy! 
From the person who refuses to age (or grow up),